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Kirsten Geisler «Dream of Beauty»
Kirsten Geisler, «Dream of Beauty», 1997 – 2000
2002 | Screenshot | © Kirsten Geisler

Netherlands | computer animation

 Kirsten Geisler

born 1949 in Berlin (D), lives and works in Haarlem (NL); 1984–85 studies at the Vrije Academie, The Hague; 1985–89 studies at the Rietveld-Akademie, Amsterdam; 1990 postgraduate studies, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam; since 1992 founding member and head of the foundation Grafisches Atelier, Institute for Graphic and Media Arts, Haarlem; 1996-97 visiting professor at the Art Academy Utrecht, deptartment of New Media, Hilversum; develops video sculptures and image projections that focus on the border between material representation and immaterial presence.

(Source: ZKM online)