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Inke Arns
b 1968 Duisdorf/Bonn (D); PhD at the Humboldt University, Berlin, with a thesis on the reception of the historical avant-garde in artistic projects of the 1980s and 1990s in ex-Yugoslavia and Russia (2003); independent curator; her curatorial work includes «OSTranenie 93», «Minima Media: Medienbiennale,» Leipzig, 1994; «un-frieden. sabotage von wirklichkeiten,» Hamburg, 1996–1997; «body of the message,» Berlin, 1998; «Body and the East,» Ljubljana, 1998; «Soziale Technologien,» Essen, 2003; «IRWIN: Retroprincip 1983-2003,» Berlin, Hagen and Belgrade 2003–2004; besides her books «Netzkulturen» (Net Cultures) and «Neue Slowenische Kunst» (both 2002), she has published widely on issues of net culture and media art; since 2005 director of the hartware medienkunstverein in Dortmund (with Susanne Ackers); lives and works in Dortmund and Berlin.
 MediaTexts in
1. Inke Arns «Interaction, Participation, Networking: Art and Telecommunication» 

Overview of Media Art

2. Inke Arns «Read_me, run_me, execute_me. Code as Executable Text: Software Art and its Focus on Program Code as Performative Text» 

Generative Tools

3. Inke Arns «Social Technologies» 

Overview of Media Art

Source texts
1. Inke Arns «Comparison of generative art and software art» 

Generative Tools

2. Inke Arns «Comparison of generative art and software art»