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1. Bear, Liza; Sonnier, Keith; Sharp, Willoughby «Two-Way-Demo»

Overview of Media Art

Aesthetics of the Digital

2. Giselle Beiguelman «Poetrica»
3. Bertolt Brecht «Lindberghflug»

Overview of Media Art

4. Chaos Computer Club e.V. «Blinkenlights»

Overview of Media Art

Public Sphere_s

5. Douglas Davis «Talk Out!»

Overview of Media Art

6. Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie «Hole in Space»

Overview of Media Art

7. Jochen Gerz «The Berkeley Oracle»

Overview of Media Art

8. Gerz, Jochen; Shalev-Gerz, Esther «The Berlin Investigation»
9. Handshake «FieldExcursion»
10. Handshake «Handshake»
11. Huber, Felix Stephan; Pocock, Philip; Wenz, Florian; Noll, Udo «A Description of the Equator and Some Øtherlands»
12. Allan Kaprow «18 Happenings in 6 Parts»

Overview of Media Art

13. Allan Kaprow «Push and Pull. A Furniture Comedy for Hans Hofmann»

Overview of Media Art

14. Richard Kriesche «Teleskulptur III»

Overview of Media Art

15. M+M «Call an Artist»
16. MASA/Casino Container «Electronic Café International»

Aesthetics of the Digital

17. Ponton/Van Gogh TV «Piazza virtuale»

Overview of Media Art

Aesthetics of the Digital

18. PooL Processing «Imaginary Library»

Overview of Media Art

19. PooL Processing «TXTours/Revs»
20. PooL Processing «Whose Agents Are We?»
21. Schöffer, Nicolas; Henry, Pierre; Nikolais, Alwin «Kyldex»

Overview of Media Art

22. Schultz, Pit; Geert Lovink «nettime»

Public Sphere_s

23. Jeffrey Shaw «Movie Movie»

Overview of Media Art

24. Superflex «Superchannel»
25. Apolonija Sustersic «Video Home Video Exchange»

Overview of Media Art

26. Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»