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Monstrous Bodies: The Disarranged Gender Body as an Arena for Monstrous Subject RelationsYvonne Volkart
This text is based on the notion that cyborgs demonstrate at and with their monstrous bodies and genders exactly those monstrous conditions which they face. The cyborg body is always an effect and symptom body of the neoliberal information society. It is its product and its symbol, its sabotaging traversal and alternative conception of the subject. [more]
The Joy and Horror of the Monstrous: The Averting of Perverse Power Relations in Discourse on the Deviant
Disfigured Gender as a Loss of Identity
The (Apparent) Fluidity of the Genders
The Monstrosity of the Endlessly Interfaceable, Digital Body
From Technology to Metaphor: The Fluidity of Digital Bodies
The Fluid Femaleness of the Information Age
The Monstrous Maternalness of Surveillance Technology
Proliferations and Excesses
The Woman and Her Monster: Gender