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Manfred Mohr «P-159-A»
Manfred Mohr, «P-159-A», 1974
© Manfred Mohr


Categories: Graphics

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Klaus, vom Bruch «Jam-Jam Project»

 Manfred Mohr

Using the combinatorics of the elements of a cube which have been broken down into minute particles of lines, Mohr accomplishes a type of storyboard for an abstract animation. As a two-dimensional surface, however, it plots a gradual intensification of the lines in the centre. The reduction of the title to character combinations reflects Mohr's interest in aesthetic and semiotic questions and results, as opposed to the production of art-works in the traditional sense. What counts for Mohr is not the single graph, or line, but the complete ensemble of statistical relationships that manifest themselves in a series of aesthetic constructions and structures.