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Ingo Günther «Refugee Republic»
Ingo Günther, «Refugee Republic», 1995
© Ingo Günther

Klaus, vom Bruch «Jam-Jam Project»

 Ingo Günther
«Refugee Republic»

«Refugee Republic» was the result of extensive investigations that involved proposing a supranational and supraterritorial refugee state that might become a model for the rest of the world. At the exhibition «Integral Art Projects» in Berlin in 1993 Günther showed, under the same title, several flags on which the words «Rolls Royce» had been replaced by «Refugee Republic». In 1996 he created an installation, again with the same title, that was shown in the Kunsthalle in Dusseldorf two years later. Yet the most suitable place for «Refugee Republic» is the Internet, where it can best promote the organization of a transglobal state.